When we are badly bruise and hurt from others, our vision
becomes cloudy and contaminate with angry, hurt, why me, etc. My friends I want
you to know that Jesus can take the pain away. Don’t let the pass hurts and words of other
stop you from fulling your destiny. That which you seek in not behind you but
rather in front of you. Ask the Lord to help you let go and move forward. If we
stay in past hurts, we will never reach our full potential. I challenge you to
let go and move forward. Seek the Holy Spirit to help guide you into a more
successful and bless life. Know God is able to give you a renew mindset and new
vision. Only dare to trust in Him.
“And no one puts new wine
into old wineskins. For the old skins would burst from the pressure, spilling
the wine and ruining the skins. New wine is stored in new wineskins so that
both are preserved” (Mathew 9:17).
Be blessed
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