
God loves your heart...
The blessings and joy of the Lord makes one rich and adds no sorrows. There are times I sit and look at how far the Lord has brought me and I must say that had it not been for him, I don’t know where I would be.  Life always goes smother, when you know you have Jesus on your side. When you know the battle is never yours, but it belongs to the Lord. My friends don’t believe for one second that you can handle or do everything on your own strength. For it is impossible. You will find yourself burned out, weary, frustrated, and the list goes on. But when you allow Jesus, Christ to navigate your path and direct, you can do all things because he has strengthened you.

In order to see progress in your life you must be aggressive and determine. You must be willing to let go of old things and move forward, knowing that better is a head.  Un-forgiveness, angry, envy, and malice within your heart would do you no good. We all have sinned, include me but we must seek God’s forgiveness and move on. We must also forgive those who have hurt us and move on. Yes, it not always easy, but we must seek God’s help and ask him to help us. Just as he, forgive he expect us to do the same. There is no set amount of time a person can forgive, in fact the word of God say, “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses” (Mathew 6:14-15). Amen. It’s not me who wants you to forgive, but is a requirement from the Lord.

The word for today is simple, what are you holding in your heart against anyone or anything? Let it go and let God. Ask for his forgiveness and forgive those who has wronged or hurt you. Know that in order to walk and see your blessings, you must forgive.  Don’t let un-forgiveness; stop you from receiving your blessings.  Trust God and you will see your way. Be blessed.


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