
 Keep Trusting
It’s amazing that we can go to God, daily and ask for strength. In order to live a fulfill life we need Christ, Jesus. For he knows, everything, he is the solution to all your problems, he is the redeemer, he is the provider, he is the healer, he is, the Great I AM. Today, you might be faced with some trials, but don’t forget who you serve. Know that you don’t serve a dead god, But a God who lives forevermore.  We no longer have to carry our burdens around. Rather all we have to do is surrender all to Jesus, for his burdens are light and his yoke is easy.

The key is to keep pushing, until you see what the Lord has promised to you. Don’t lose hope or heart over your problems. Many times the enemy wants you to give up. He hopes that you will get frustrated and give up. But he is thief. And when you are a WINNER, you never quit! All you have to do is give your problems to God and he will work it out. Sometimes, it is hard to let go and let God. But when you trust God enough to let go and don’t pick up the problem, even when you think you can handle it, God will work it out.

Remember God is the Creator and he knows all about his creation. There is nothing we can hide from him, or he doesn’t know. In fact he wants us to come to him with our concerns, fear and frustration. Even though you think, he knows, you are responsible for talking to him about what is afflicted you. In fact the bible says, “let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him. For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make us clean, and our bodies have been washed with pure water.23 Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise”.(Hebrew 10:22-23). Amen. Despite your current situations, trust in the Lord, and receive his strength to go on. Be blessed.


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