
Speak, LIFE!!!
Most of us know that life and death lies within our tongue. Words have power and it can either heal or hurt a person. And many times in life some people consciously or unconsciously love to say what they want, when they want and how they want. With no regards of how it can affect a person.  Likewise vice-versa, if we are not careful of how we react to people when they speak to us, it can cause damage. But thank God for blood of Jesus. When your trust is in Christ Jesus, he teaches you self-control.  Many times people feel because you are a Christian, you are a fool. They fail to realize that you have wisdom, when you have self-control and that it is God, who is going to fight your battle.

Today, you might find yourself upset and want to tell some people off. But Wait a minute! Waiting, waiting and breathing! Give it to God, for he will defend you. In fact the word of God said, “…, listen and understand. 11 What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them (Mathew 15:10-11)”Amen. You see my friends, it’s what comes out of your mouth will define you.

For the True and Living God does not look at our action, but our heart and most time when we speak, whether good or bad it comes from our heart. That’s shows who we are inside and outside. Nevertheless, those of us who are in Christ Jesus can go before him daily and ask for forgiveness and guidance to help guide our thoughts, mind, heart, action etc.  We must acknowledge that we are nothing without Christ and we need him daily to help us, live in peace and harmony. Challenges for today, check your part of speech, before you speak. Be blessed.


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