Blessings or Curse

Jesus Loves You

Blessings and GM to all. Welcome to another bless day the Lord has made. As people of God, sometime in life we find ourselves in a desolate places, not because of our sins. But, rather in sins committed by our fourth parents. My friends, generational curse is a serious thing! Many time we have to wonder why our lives is the way it is yet we strive to do better. As I spend time with my Father, He explained, if you keep in Him, the sins of our fourth parents will not fall on us, if we walk in light (Jesus). We must be careful as to whom we attach ourselves too. They are things that are done way before we were born. Yet the Lord said, He will rise up a person within the family blood line to fight. The question I ask this morning is, are you the one willing to fight for your family? Will you be like David, who said as for me and my household we will serve the Lord? People wake up there is a spiritual battle happening between darkness and light. Darkness to keep people in bondage and light (Jesus) to set you and your family free. Which will you choose? “If those who do the right thing turn from righteousness and engage in the same detestable practices that the wicked committed, can they do these things and live? None of their righteous deeds will be remembered. They will die because of their treacheries and sins. 25 But you say, “My Lord’s way doesn’t measure up.” Listen, house of Israel, is it my ways that don’t measure up? Isn’t it your ways that don’t measure up? 26 When those who do the right thing turn from their responsible ways and act maliciously, they will die because of it. For their malicious acts they will die. 27 And when the wicked turn from their wicked deeds and act justly and responsibly, they will preserve their lives. 28 When they become alarmed and turn away from all their sins, they will surely live; they won’t die. 29 Yet the house of Israel says, “My Lord’s way doesn’t measure up.” Is it my ways that don’t measure up? Isn’t it your ways that don’t measure up, house of Israel? 30 Therefore, I will judge each of you according to your ways, house of Israel. This is what the Lord God says. Turn, turn away from all your sins. Don’t let them be sinful obstacles for you. 31 Abandon all of your repeated sins. Make yourselves a new heart and a new spirit. Why should you die, house of Israel? 32 I most certainly don’t want anyone to die! This is what the Lord God says. Change your ways, and live! (Ezekiel 18:24-32, CEB). Which side will you choose? Stay bless


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