
Image result for dwelling place
Lord you are my dwelling place!

Blessings and GM to all. Welcome to another wonderful day the Lord has made. My friends, sometimes in life God opens some doors and He closes some. But when we view things with our physical eyes, we can miss out on the reasons as to why God truly places people in our path. God knows each of us before we were in our mother’s womb. He knows our beginning and our end. He also knows what and whom to place in our lives. If we look at the story of Joseph, it tells about a man who told his brothers about a vision God has shown him and because they were jealous the sold him into slavery. Joseph endured somethings for many years, nevertheless, his vision came through. Now it didn’t come through the way he might have thought but it did. When God has given something to you it doesn’t matter how long it takes it will come to pass. This is why we must learn to seek the things of the Spirit at all times and not flesh. When you truly understand the power of God and how He works, you will always receive favor. The word of God says, “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.”(Psalm 91:1-2). Amen. My question is, are you dwelling in the secret place of God? Are you completely trusting in him, despite what you see? Are you allowing Him, to work things out? I want to encourage someone as I encourage myself that I will trust in the Lord at all times. Stay bless and have a wonderful day.


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