Leaning on the Lord Side

Which side are you leaning on?
Whose report will you believe?....
There are times as you are faced with trials and tribulations; you need to know which side you are leaning on. Are you going to lean on the Lord’s side which reports that you will make it, you will overcome, the best is yet to come, and all things are possible through Christ Jesus? Or will you lean on the side that say you are not going to make it? Every day we are faced with different choices. We have to make a choice to do the right or wrong. We don’t always make the right choice. But when we don’t, we have a choice to ask the Lord for forgiveness and He  always forgives us.

None of us is perfect, including me. There are times, I made some bad choices and I tend to beat up myself, I not quite sure how it happens, because I want to be perfect. Nevertheless, I must understand that I am not and I have to pray about the situation.  If I don’t lean on the Lord side, I would end up on the wrong side of negative thinking, of feeling guilty, broken down, God doesn’t like me etc. But when I remember what the Lord said, that he will never leave me or forsake things gets better.

I am not saying you must go around doing wrong because God will forgive, NO, NO, NO but you must have a conscious mind of Christ when approaching any situation. When we look at some of the blessed people in the Bible, none of them was perfect. They all made mistakes and God did worked it out for them. Let’s look at the man after God’s heart, David; he made many, many, mistakes. But he never stops seeking the Lord’s grace and mercies. He understood that he was not perfect but his Heavenly Father was and he never wanted him to leave his side.

In fact, he once wrote, Have mercy upon me, O God, According to Your loving kindness;
According to the multitude of Your tender mercies, Blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, And cleanse me from my sin…….. Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me.11 Do not cast me away from Your presence, And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.”(Psalm 51:1-2, 10-11).
 What an amazing and powerful words acknowledging the Lord when you are wrong and asking him not to take his Holy presence from you. Yes we all need to ask for forgiveness. But never leave the Lord side, for he is the only one who can help you.

Today you might be reading this and think because you made a wrong choice or wrong turn God doesn’t love you. Well the devil is a liar, IJN. Amen! You need to sake that’s spirit off, and seek the Lord’s presence.  Ask him to handle the situation. Know that he will make away when it seems to be no other way. He will ALWAYS work out the situation for your benefit and his glory. It doesn’t matter what you have done. Just give it to the Lord and lean on his side. Be encouraged and know God always loves you. Be blessed.


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