
Image result for light
Jesus is the LIGHT of this world!
When a person deceives you it can be a very hard pill to digest, especially when the deceiver is a loved one. I have thought long and hard trying to understand, but the Lord said it’s not necessary, because the battle is His. As you walk in this light and it shines so bright, you will expose darkness. There is no way darkness can hide when you are walking under God's covering.

There are times we think we know a person; only to find out they have deceived you. The hardest part is when the person literally don’t see the harm they have caused. It appears that they look at you as though everything is okay. Deep down inside of you, you fight because you thought it is the right and godly thing to do. Simply to find out that which you are fighting for, did not wanted to be fought for.

The Lord said to me do not be deceive even when it sounds promising. But one should make sure you test the spirit. Sometimes you find yourself trap, praying fasting, doing the will of God, yet you’re stagnant. You ask yourself what you are you doing wrong. Only to find out you are on the right path and that which the Lord reveals to you a long time ago is actually true.

God answered my question, “Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient. 7 Therefore do not be partners with them”(Ephesians 5:6-7).Therefore, He said use wisdom, be very careful and don’t be fooled. One must be obedient and allow yourself to understand the will of God for you. My prayers for myself and others who are in deceitful company to ask the Lord to give us the strength to not be part takers of such evil, but to remove all lies from the enemy, and Replace it with His Holy Truth. Be blessed and be obedient.

Link I found on prayers, that was interesting. But the best guide is the BIBLE


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