Do you see the changes? Changes for your blessings have begun. The question is do you believe? It is one thing to say, you believe and then doubt at the same time. Doubting is no good, because then you are saying you don't believe. The Lord has promised many of us some blessings and I intend to receive it this year. Nevertheless, if we look closely, we would notice that he has already preformed many miracles in our lives.
To see changes, we must be transformed by the renewing of your minds. Transformation takes place immediately, when we change our thinking. As we believe and trust in the Lord, we must be mindful of what we say, think, and hear. All these factors can determine the outcome of our blessings.
The word for today is simple; whose report do you believe? What are you speaking over your situation? Are you believing and trusting in and on the word of God? Be aware that the Lord’s words will not go back to him void. For it must and will accomplish its purpose. Don’t lose hope and focus.
As you are waiting for your blessing continue to speak life over your situations. Speak changes; call the things that are not as though they were. If you are poor, say you are rich, if you are sick, say you are healed, etc. You must realize that God does not make a promise and don’t fulfill it. He reminds us that we should always write our vision down, and thought it tarries it will comes to pass.(Read Habakkuk 2) Therefore, know that your blessings is already in existence, waiting for you. Be blessed and look for your changes.
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