
 The importance
Seek Jesus, for guidance.
Every person has name and some people get upset when you don’t call their names correctly.  A few days ago, I was taking care of one of my sons. I keep calling him by my younger son name and he would not respond. I was getting frustrated because I am telling him to do something and he was just staring at me as though who am I speaking too (lol). So then I tap him and asked if he didn’t hear me speaking to him. The child look at me and said, yes, but you keep calling my Caden and that not my name. My name is Christian.

So after a few minutes, I begin to speak to the Lord and he said the child is right. You can’t call him by another name even if he is in front of you and expect him to answer.  He will answer to his name. Then I thought about it and it is so true. Jesus said it like me, if you don’t call on the right God you wouldn’t get the right answer.

When we read the bible we know that Jesus, Christ is the one and true living God. Many times people are crying to other gods and then explain to others that God is not real. The devil is a liar, in Jesus name. Amen. In order to get the results you need, you have to know who the right God is. No one can help you like Jesus. In fact the Bible said, “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John14:6).Amen

Wow, so simple, but yet powerful. In your times of distress, if you are not calling on Jesus, you will not get any answer. Jesus is the way the truth and light. Just as I was calling my son by the wrong name and he didn’t answer. So that’s what will happen, when you are calling, but not calling on Jesus. You will find yourself frustrated only to realize you were not calling on the right name.

The word for today is simple. Whose report will you believe? Are you calling on the one and true living God, Jesus Christ? If you choose not to let your hope be in him, then you can rest assured there will be no changes in your life. You can cry from now until ends of earth but there will be no results.  Search your heart, soul and mind and invite Christ in. Recognize that he has paid the price for you to be set freed and whom the son has set free is free indeed.  Don’t doubt God because you think, He not real. But rather, trust in him and allow him to take control. Put him to the test and see results. Be blessed.


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