
God loves you and me
“For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life”(John 3:16). Amen

Let your answer be YES. Yes to God ways. Yes to trusting in him. Yes to realizing that you cannot do anything without him. Yes to everything he has in store for you. There are times we give God the praises when think all is going well with us. But then we soon stop praising because we feel as though we can handle our problems on our own. But that’s a big mistake! When we learn to hope and trust in the Lord, it shows us that we are dependent on him and he recognizes that he has to care for us. After all he is our maker, our Beginning and End. Our Provider, healer, etc., mainly he is the Author and finisher of our faith.

God is always a good, God. And in order for us to enjoy the goodness of this word, we must ACKNOWLEDGE him, in everything we do. Yes every single thing, from our family, health, finances, sentimental life, everything! There is nothing we can hide from the Lord. He knows our heart, our deepest thoughts, or darkest secret, he know everything. Most, times we just have to be real with ourselves and ask him for forgiveness, and he take away our sins. Just remember that he knows everything about you and he wants to make your life better, you just have to say YES, to his will.

The beauty of God is that we are all his children, good or bad. But his words said there is a difference between those who serve him and those who do not. And if you are serving him faithful, and there are obstacles in your life, something is wrong. Yes, we all go through a season, but if you are finding yourself being under all the time, something is wrong. Yes there are times the enemy blocks us. However, we can sometimes block ourselves, because of disobedience and un-forgiveness in our heart.

Yes, Yes, Yes, we sometimes block ourselves, but thank God for the blood of Jesus, which wash us white as snow. What are you holding in your heart? Give it to Jesus. Talk to him about your deepest struggles and allow him to come in a make you hold. Let your answer be Yes, Lord to your will. Today, you might be reading this for a reason, I just want you to know that God loves you and he is always the Author and Finsher or your faith. Just know once you ask him for forgiveness, he gives it. He is merciful and his loves endure forever.

Don’t allow your own ways to block you from the blessings of the Lord. Acknowledge your wrong doing before him, and move forward into your blessings. Remember none of us is perfect. And God knows this, that why he wants us to humble ourselves before him daily. Daily because every day each of us commits sins, we know and don’t know about (including me). Nevertheless, God still loves us and his loves covers a multitude of our sins. Don’t allow disobedience of your own ways stop you from receiving what God has in store for you. Let your answer be Yes to the Lord’s will. Be blessed. 


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