
Blessings and GM to all. Welcome to another marvelous day. My friends, when Jesus is for you who can be against you. I love the Lord, I know and have seen the graves He brought my body out off. God have a great sense of humor and I love when He allow my enemies to go ahead of me. There was a story in the bible in 1 king 18: 16-40, where a Prophet Elijah challenged the prophet Baal. In that story you notice how God allows Baal to call on their many gods yet nothing happen but when the man of God called on Him, He consumed everything by fire. Hallelujah! I have learned that my God will always allow my enemies to get a head start but be warned, when I call on Him, He will destroy those who are coming against me without a cost. I am learning that I don’t need to defend my character, because I know who I am and whom I belong to. When people sit and tell lies about me, I will not worry. I will continue to do my Father’s work because my God, has and will always prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. My friends, be encourage that in this life people will always talk about you. Don’t allow your focus to be on them, don’t try to prove a point to fools, and don’t try to throw stones back at them. Rather focus on God and the things He has in store for you. Take control of your destiny and let your light shine. Know that in the end, truth will stand. Stay bless and know God is with you.


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